Meet Elaine.

I’m passionate about helping people get their homes and their lives organized. In fact, I’ve been creating organizing systems my entire life. Growing up in Ireland as the middle child between four brothers, I was often my mom’s right hand when it came to keeping our house tidy and efficient.  Even at a young age, I was creating lists, putting systems in place, and making sure everyone in the family followed the plan. Little did I know that would be the spark for a lifelong love of organizing, both personally and professionally.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve worked as a school teacher and a professional nanny. In both of those roles, I quickly learned that when you help children get more organized, they’re far more likely to engage in independent play, get themselves dressed, and tidy up after themselves.

When I worked as a nanny, my employers both worked out of the home full-time. When they returned home in the evening, every minute with their children was sacred. So during the day, I helped get their house in order, setting up lots of age-appropriate systems for the kids. I didn't want them to spend their precious minutes looking for pajamas or wondering where to find the Tylenol. While the children napped, I organized. It became such a satisfying part of my job. I really enjoyed it, as did the children! And no one was happier about a more organized home than the working parents.

As a preschool and kindergarten teacher, I learned first-hand that organizing your classroom is a huge part of setting yourself and your students up for success. It’s so important not to waste time searching for books, toys, and supplies throughout the day. Your space has to be structured properly from the outset for everyone to thrive. I devised strategies to get my classroom organized – and to stay that way – so I could focus on my students’ learning and development. Children crave organization, just like they crave routine. It's up to us to give them both!

Today, I’m a wife and mother to two young boys. Every day, my home organizing systems are put to the test. So. Much. STUFF! I’ve had to learn new tricks and strategies to fit the habits and needs of my husband and growing boys. Through trial and error, I’ve set up every room of our home just right – the kitchen, playroom, bedrooms, closets, even the garage – to keep the chaos and clutter at bay.

Now I want to help other over-extended clients tackle their organizational challenges. No more embarrassment about having friends over because your house is in disarray. No more digging through piles of laundry to find clean clothes!

When you work with Organized Living by Elaine, I will equip you with the skills and systems to transform your home into the sanctuary and showcase you deserve.

Let’s get organized!